Avui us volia desitjar unes Bones Festes! i la paraula clau és DESITJAR, perquè tal i com tenim el panorama, podem resumir l’any 2020 com un any de MERDA! Sí, així de clar i les coses pel seu nom, encara que sonin molt malament, però hi ha vegades que no tenen altre nom.
No sé si estareu d’acord, i no sé lo bé o malament que us ha anat el 2020, però quasi tots estarem d’acord que el Mr. Covid19 ens ha esgarrapat la rutina, ens ha entregirat les vides i ens ha fet veure, a cop de quedar-nos quiets a casa, lo fràgil que és tot quan depenem dels altres.

Aquest 2020, hem hagut d’aprendre a conviure amb pocs metres quadrats i 24 hores seguides, tots els membres d’una família. Hem hagut d’aprendre a compartir espais de treball mares/pares i filles/fills. Hem escoltat, volent o no, què é tocava la flauta tota la classe de la filla… Com les classes On-line es barrejaven amb les reunions on es parlava de pressupostos, i els dos demanant silenci, un a l’altre, perquè no el sentissin a les respectives reunions!
QUE DIFÍCIL!!! Però tot ha anat passant i dins la “nova normalitat” tenim les mascaretes, les mans netes i les reunions on-line. Han pujat les compres on-line i les hores de joc amb les maquinetes… Però i tot això què té a veure amb la feina?, preguntareu… Doncs MOLT!!! Realment fa molts anys que la meva feina em permet treballar de manera remota, on-lin n’hi diem ara, però aquest any horrible, ha fet que valorés molt l’experiència que tenia prèvia de treballar des de casa. He vist com la gent primer deia que era un”xollo” però mica en mica podia sentir veus que deia les d’hores de més que treballaven!!! JAJAJAJAJAJa… No sabeu com he rigut al sentir algunes de les queixes que treballadors demanaves, com que si se’ls pagaria hores de més pel fet de treballar a casa, o si els pagarien la fibra, o si les empreses els donaria paper o ordinadors… Veieu… Totes aquestes demandes, és el què els freelance aportem a les nostres feines i que cobrem al passar la factura. A veure si la pandèmia aconsegueix fer entendre que quan passem factura hi va la feina i tot el necessari per desenvolupar-la. A veure si ara, tots els que et demanen aquell favor que com a dissenyador creuen que no et costa res, entenen que han de pagar el preu que s’acordi per la supervivència del dissenyador / treballador. Un autònom o freelance, no té una nòmina fixe, treballa per projectes sense res segur, per tant, quan et passen una factura et cobren: la idea, el desenvolupament de la mateixa, els materials i estris que necessiten per treballar, el saber desenvolupar la idea a quelcom real, la preparació dels originals….
Heu vist quin any!
A la vegada ha estat un any on he tingut la SORT de treballar el primer trimestre de curs a l’aula de PTT del Berguedà, Auxiliar de Vendes, Oficina i Atenció al Públic, impartint Atenció al Client, i us puc assegurar que ha estat una gran experiència.
M’ha agradat veure que tenim una colla de nois i noies que són cor, i que se’ls ha de donar les eines i l’atenció que necessiten. He aprés molt amb aquesta classe i els desitjo que es treguin el PTT i tirin endavant totes les idees que tenen al cap.
I aquest any poca cosa més, començaré el nou any amb un parell de projectes que ja comencen a caminar però us ven asseguro que deixaré el 2020 molt enrere per mirar de bolcar-me a tot el que pugui sortir, que espero que siguin moltes cosetes interessants!
Today I wanted to wish you a Happy Holidays! and the key word is WISH, because as we have the picture, we can sum up 2020 as a year of SHIT! Yes, so clear and things by their name, although they sound very bad, but there are times they have no other name.
I don’t know if you’ll agree, and I don’t know how good or bad it went for you in 2020, but almost all of us will agree that Mr. Covid19 has scratched our routine, given us our lives and made us see, while staying still at home, how fragile everything is when we depend on others.
This 2020, we have had to learn to live with a few square meters and 24 hours in a row, all members of a family. We had to learn to share workspaces mothers / fathers and daughters / sons. We have heard, willingly or unwillingly, what the flute the whole class of the daughter was playing … How the Online classes were mixed with the meetings where budgets were talked about, and the two asking for silence, one to the other, so that they would not hear him at the respective meetings!
HOW DIFFICULT !!! But everything has been going on and within the “new normality” we have masks, clean hands and online meetings. Online shopping and hours of playing with machines have gone up … But what does all this have to do with work ?, you ask … Well, A LOT !!! It’s really been many years since my job allowed me to work remotely, where we call it now, but this horrible year has made me really value the experience I had before working from home. I saw how people first said it was a “chollo” but little by little I could hear voices saying the overtime hours they worked !!! JAJAJAJAJAJa … You don’t know how I laughed when I heard some of the complaints that workers were asking for, like if they would be paid overtime for working from home, or if they would be paid for fiber, or if companies would give them paper or computers … See … All these demands are what freelancers bring to our work and what we charge when we pass the bill. Let’s see if the pandemic manages to make it clear that when we pass the bill, the work goes and everything necessary to develop it. Let’s see if now, all those who ask you for that favor as a designer believe that it costs you nothing, understand that they have to pay the price agreed for the survival of the designer / worker. A freelancer or freelancer, does not have a fixed salary, works for projects without anything safe, therefore, when they pass you an invoice they charge you: the idea, the development of the same, the materials and utensils they need to work, the knowledge the idea of something real, the preparation of the originals …
You’ve seen what a year!
At the same time it has been a year where I have had the LUCK to work the first term of the course in the classroom of PTT del Berguedà, Sales Assistant, Office and Customer Service, teaching Customer Service, and I can assure you that it has been a great experience.
I enjoyed seeing that we have a bunch of boys and girls who are heartbroken, and that they need to be given the tools and attention they need. I have learned a lot from this class and I wish them to get out of the PTT and push forward all the ideas they have in their head.
And this year little else, I will start the new year with a couple of projects that are already starting to walk but sell you I assure you that I will leave 2020 far behind to try to dump everything that can come out, which I hope will be many things interesting!